Bobby Hemmitt - It's Deeper than Racism

Bobby Hemmitt - It's Deeper than Racism

Who is Bobby Hemmitt??


Brother Bobby Hemmitt is a scholar of esoteric & occult knowledge who has been captivation us for over 30+ years he is the teacher of many occult students like Brother Panic, Travis Magus,Sevan Bomar, Brother Rich, Love Lift Life and many more, He is a Colleague of other Master Teachers such as Phil Valentine and Dr. Delbert Blair.

Brother Bobby is a raw, spiritual and down to earth speaker. He decodes the mysteries that have been locked into the "mystery system" and brings the universe back to "Black" life.
Most of Bobby’s lectures are 2 to 8 hours.

Bobby Hemmitt’s lectures will blow your mind with powerful information! Be prepared! In this snippet Brother Bobby speaks on the aspect of Racism and it's connection to something deeper than just skin color or race (as many would label it as such). He explains how it's not the color of your skin or the title of your nationality but how your energy is a vital point of importance. He explains why many beings of lesser command would feel threatened by "so called people of color" and those associated spiritual presence. Many of these entities fear those who are powerful but are unaware of their maximized spiritual potential. As a result many are left with no real understanding of the illusion of racism. Check out the snippet video from YouTube Page Masterly Foolish below.


One of the books he mentions in this snippet is by Dion Fortune is available for your physical or digital purchase below

Digital  $5.55

Physical $11.11

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Hey Brother Bobby I’m on this metaphysical spiritual journey & I feel I know something bug nothing at all. I need guidance from any elder,


Seeking individual counseling with Brother Hemmitt on phone or in person.

Dr. K Andrews

Dear Bobby, Blessings Be Upon You! Thank you for all the Wisdom and Understanding you have shared. I believe your association with Pandemonium hurt you and your Understanding of that will heal you. Check with your oracles of course. Again, Blessings and Thank you.

Nun Kaph

I just found your site on YouTube and you are answering a lot of questions I’ve had and still do have. Love your lectures keep up the great work. Hotep

Ivan Wheeler

Bobby, I’m on a mission here on earth that I’d like to discuss with you. Please email me and let me know your availability to discuss. Thirty minutes of your time is all I require.

Jeremy M Marcus

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